Legal Disclaimer

Please read the following statements carefully. By using this website you confirm your understanding and agreement to the following Terms and Conditions.

Contact details

8sa GmbH
The One,
Seefeldstrasse 287,
8008 Zurich,
+41 44 521 10 57

Commercial register details

8sa GmbH
VAT number: CHE-398.043.945
Commercial Register office: Zurich

Copyright and other intellectual property rights

This website contains texts, images and logos that are the property of 8sa and are protected by legal provisions governing copyright and/or other intellectual property rights. Client logos are used with their permission. Using the content of this website commercially through any means of reproduction, distribution and modification is prohibited. Please note that any infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights may result in civil action and/or criminal prosecution.

Data protection

Anyone who enters information about themselves automatically permits 8sa to store and use such information in accordance with the provisions of Swiss data protection law. 8sa undertakes to treat personal data with strict confidentiality, and not to pass on any personal data outside the company or make it available to third parties. However, messages and information such as comments, suggestions, ideas, etc., that a user may send to the website by e-mail, shall not qualify as confidential material or the intellectual property of the user, and may therefore be used without restriction.

Applicable law

This declaration concerning data protection is governed by the relevant provisions of Swiss law and shall be interpreted in accordance therewith. Any disputes arising in association with the use of this website shall be exclusively settled in the relevant courts of law in Switzerland.